If my recollection is correct, some here have stated that the WTS no longer uses the ?do not eat blood? argument. I too thought that they had learned better, but not so. Here is an excerpt from their current statement:
CHRISTIANS are forbidden by God's law to ingest blood by any means. (Acts 15:28, 29) Obedience to that law has sometimes led to misunderstandings that have resulted in Christians being denied available and effective alternative medical management of their health problems.
This statement attempts to stretch the meaning of "ingest" beyond the scripture?s original "eat," and beyond the Standard English usage by adding to the meaning with the words "by any means."
Note the actual meaning of "ingest:"
in·gest (ĭn-jĕst')
tr.v., -gest·ed, -gest·ing, -gests.
1. To take into the body by the mouth for digestion or absorption. See synonyms at
2. To take in and absorb as food: "Marine ciliates ? can be observed ? ingesting other single-celled creatures and harvesting their chloroplasts" (Carol Kaesuk Yoon).
Even in this 21 century, the WTS cannot separate in its thinking the physiological act of eating from the very different procedure called "Transplantation" or "Transfusion."
Their "thinking" does not begin to raise the level of scholarship.
Here is the link to their current web site statement May 31, 2004: